Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Day 8

Day 8 March 12

He looks a little bloated this morning.  I can't seem to decide if something is really wrong or I am being paranoid.  I don't trust myself.  I am sick to my stomach. I am praying for a change in perception.His appetite was good.  He did follow me around a bit this morning.  Most of the time he went into the front room.  He did snuggle with Zoe on their kitchen bed for a bit

He sat in his normal position for car rides.   Now he is sleeping in my office.  I have to remember good and bad days.  I have to remember he is going to end up having more bad days than good.  If one burst, he can survive. He survived the last rupture.  Prayers said and paws crossed.

Read a quote a few moments ago How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” ― A.A. MilneWinnie-the-Pooh  Very fitting I think...  Get into the blessings Annie.

***The rest of the day was up and down.  I am beginning to believe that is how this is going to be.  I need to remember his disease is flowing thru his blood. It is rapidly spreading.   I did some more research on line.  I felt blessed after reading all the other stories, as an abundance were of dogs that did not survive a rupture!  Thank you Great DOG that Jakers survived last week...

On the way home, we stopped at a friends. I let Jakers out at a neighborhood park to do his business.

We drove around last night after dinner. Jake, Zoe and I traveled to our old neighborhood in Draper. I let the dogs out in the park we would visit almost day.  They were awaiting me to whip out the Frisbee.  Sorry black dogs.  Jake trotted a bit to the middle of the park.  I let him stand there for a bit and then called him back to the E.

Bed time.  This is Jake's bed.  However, Zoe hijacked it last night.  She left Jake a "square" 

I awoke with him sleeping with me in his normal way.  I hit snooze three times.