GOOD NEWS MORNING! Jake's PCV was up to 48%. It was 28/30% just a week ago. According to the vet, that means there is no internal bleeding, and his body basically gave itself a transfusion. Vet again said to take it easy. He reiterated no strenuous walks or exercises. We were both VERY happy.He was wiggles, smiles and tail wags galore.
I found out one of our consultants has been in and out of touch due to her Golden Retriever being diagnosed with cancer last week. His spleen was removed. He had some heart issues, and spent 5 days in ICU. He also had two blood transfusions. When I got her email I almost fell off my chair. I responded, sending thoughts and prayers, and then told her our story. She promptly called me. *chills* Her dog has the same thing as Jake, which was confirmed via a vet. It hasn't spread to liver. He was giving 6-9 months. I wonder if I would have preferred to now earlier, instead of later.... With Mom it was *boom*. With Jake, we know he is dying. Which is the lesser of the two evils?
I had a meeting last night. It usually runs one hour. However, it ended up being longer than I anticipated. I then picked up some friends. I had a great conversation with a friend who has walked my road. She has had many animals - cats and dogs - in her life. She has had to make the quality vs quantity decision a few times.
A very kind thoughtful lady posted a few things on my FB post about the PCV. I am not sure she understands how serious Jake's condition is. I know she is trying to help and give hope. Part of me wanted to tell her to look up disease and then tell me miracles happen. however, restraint of pen and tongue. She is coming from a place of pure love and light. I am going to embrace it.
I bought the dogs some lamb necks, as they are Jake's favorite. They had it for dinner. In the middle, Jake walked away... *my heart dropped* I didn't even consider the tearing of the meat or using his paws might be too much for him. I pray I didn't cause a burst. He was distant last night. He did not sleep with me. I tossed and turned last night and pulled his bed closer.