Saturday, December 27, 2008

Vegging at home

Haven't posted much this week.
I have been vegging on the couch ,during my non working hours, watching a tv series called The Wire.
I have really enjoyed it.

I have needed to be at home and have some down time. The month of December has been non stop and it's taking a toll. So much going on at my day job and working three shifts at my second job . Plus with my Aunts death - well - the grief and denial is laying dormant and escaping in ways that are unhealthy for me and those I am around - I have been eating non stop - mostly starch and carbs and I have been a total b*tch.....

I have missed my down time with the dogs. Just laying around snuggling on the couch.
It's funny. By 7:30 all the dogs are ready for bed. Seems a little early to me but I am grateful. Between Maddie and Neeko's zoomies - well it can get a bit rambunctious here...Mama's boy, Jake, has been extra clingy to me while I have been home. I think he gets lost in the house with the wild girls.

The snow is frozen into ice and it made Neeko and Jake's feet bleed. So, no running around in the snow for them until it either melts or we get fresh stuff.

I actually have a Saturday off. I worked Monday and Tuesday nights at our companies direction. I have to get my oil changed today and go to Wally World. I would love to find the energy to vacuum and wash the rugs too. But I don't see that happening... Maybe a triple Mocha is in order.........

Enjoy your day - R3K9S - maybe a little gift for yourself is in order


Cynthia Blue said...

For sure we all need down time, and you do need to grieve, too. I'm sorry about your Aunt...

I've taken the last couple weeks off myself. The dogs are bored, but oh well. They get to do so much during the year that they can handle a couple weeks off. i was sick too, which helped. It's nice to actually be home, veg, watch some TV, do some laundry, and get some energy back!

Take care!

R3K9S said...

Thanks Cyn was nice to get some energy back. I feel much better after resting and getting some house work accomplished.

Hugs to you and the pups.