Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Sweet Snow!

We took Hadley up to Brighton on Saturday to try to snowboard.
Gosh it sure was gorgeous.

This is what Hadley said at the end of the experience.. "Do we have to go home? I wanna stay... Can i take the hill myself?" I think that says it all.......

Come on DUDE! Learn to fall....It will be spring by time you get it......

Ok...finally on the snow and learning the ropes

Waiting to hit the big hillAbout time!



Hanging with Papa - hope that hot chocolate is for me papa....

Dad this was too cool!


Anonymous said...

that video was great!!! made me laugh and cry at the same time..


Anonymous said...

Yay for snow! I love it when kids have fun on skiis or boards. :) I did too. Now it just seems like too much work for me... ugh. :) And I can't bring the dogs!

R3K9S said...

I tell you...I was pretty jealous. Wish I would have tried it when I first moved out here.
Now I may be just a tad too old and the body way too out of shape ;)