Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Nothing to say

It's unlike me not to blog during the week. (hmmm is that a double negative?)

But really I have nothing to say today.....Rare but true!

Still trying to recover physically, emotionally, and mentally from this past weekend. I think , too, stress and worry over the J&Z saga , is making me physically tired. I keep thinking if something was wrong, they would show signs by now. But according to two different vets, that is not the case....

I am trying to keep my @ss where my head is - and that is in today - in the moment.....

COME ON THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Put my mind at ease.......Then again, even if the blood work on Thursday looks good, it still doesn't mean jack. It can take weeks or months for damage to show up.

Guess I did have something to say - lol


myspoileddogs said...

I'm still worried and wondering about J&Z. Please, please keep me posted!

Anonymous said...

first off, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.. HUGS from me to you on your FANTASTIC Accomplishments...

second, did the vets ever figure out who ate what? and how much?

prayers here that the crew will come out strong and healthy..

always remember, grannys pot pie :)

R3K9S said...

Will do MSD

R3K9S said...

Thanks so much ME....
No way for them to figure out how much they ate or who ate what.

You crack me up with the granny's pot pie!!!!!