Monday, May 4, 2009

WTH is this???

Thursday, I noticed Maddie had a small sore on her belly. I was sure it was from her long line rubbing on her. Put some Vitamin E on it - thinking it would help
I came home last night, and this is what I saw. WTH is that?

Off to the vet


Vet said she is having an allergic reaction in combo with a sever bacterial infection.
So, benadryl, cream for her belly, antibiotics, and , Maddie's favorite, a cone. She is with me at work hanging out in her crate in the car. Lord knows, if I left her at home, the cone would be in 50 pieces.


BC Insanity said...

Ouch, that looks raw :-(


BC Insanity said...

OMG, does the cone have to be sooo big? What do they think she is, a horse?

R3K9S said...

I know - it's huge!

UTB flyball said...

Blogger R3K9S said...

I know - it's huge!

Can you trim it a bit?

R3K9S said...

I will probably trim it a little tonight.

Astrid said...

Poor Maddie.