Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Jake's kidneys


His microalbumin level was 0.00. That means his kidney's are a ok! Everything else was completely normal - with the exception of his PH.

She said he has the PH of a cow - lol. It was 8 and normal range was 6.2-6.5. His PH is too alkaline. It needs to be more acidic. I have to give him a few drops of lemon juice in his food for the next two weeks and then retest using some PH strips.

I am just so grateful his kidneys are ok. Now, I need to get Zoe done, but have to wait till I can get back up there and have some extra cash.

Jake says "YEA - See I told you I was ok!"


myspoileddogs said...

So happy to hear he is okay.. What makes his PH level off like that?

I llove that pic!

G said...

Do you ever give Apple Cider Vinegar?
That might help and it's good stuff.
But not the Heinz one, best unfiltered organic.

Jake = Cow

Is that why he grazes so much???..........Bwahahahaha


R3K9S said...

I looked on line. It said a diet rich in veggies and fruits can cause a high alkaline. Also, bacteria in the urine. She did say he might have a low grade bladder infection. Gotta see if the lemon juice clears it up first.

R3K9S said...

ACV is a good idea! I used it last spring for Miss Maddie who was having issues with her toes. yep, gotta get the ACV with the "Mother" lol.
Thanks G!