Thursday, July 17, 2008

Sandy City Council Meeting - Item Tabled!!!!!!!

I attended the Sandy Council Meeting on 7/15/08

Here are some of my thoughts.

Meeting was packed . So many people spoke opposing the ordinance.

Thanks to everyone who signed the petition, sent letters/emails or showed up at the meeting or just are interested to make sure this did not pass.

Item was tabled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEA

This is not over - there will be an ordinance but what it will include really depends on suggestions they receive from the public and training gurus and vets.

The council was very open to what the public said and suggested an committee full of vets, trainers, and citizens to help pass a better ordinance. THANK YOU COUNCIL. They are open to looking to what others cities do to address irresponsible owners. People came from all over - as far as Toolee and people from outside Sandy even spoke.

I for one will be emailing to thank the council for listening to all of those that wanted to speak. And for tabling the issue to research further.

It was such an honor and gave me goosebumps to be there.

There were so many highlights of the evening - so many insightful thoughts by citizens/trainers/vets. But for me , the highlight of the evening was towards the end. Two women walked to the podium. The older woman spoke and read a statement from the other woman (young girl). You see the young girl could not hear or speak. She lives in Sandy and her SERVICE DOG IS A PIT BULL. This brought tears to many - including my own eye

Here are the links to two news articles about the meeting,5620,700243526,00.html?printView=true

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