Monday, January 19, 2009

I'z havs z Beak!

Seez me poor noze???

The mom ladzy picked my up a new crate. That new rowdy puppyz broke mine during her attempted escapez. Mom ladyz gots me a medium but it waz 28.5 inches talz. Mom ladzy thought it wouldz be tall enough forz mez...Mom ladyz thought wrongz.

We uzed the new crate at flyballz yesterdayz. Well, I havz some impulze control izzues at z practize...Iz bark A LOTZ . And wellz, I keptz hitting mez noze on the topz of crate.

When the mom ladzy got in her car, she notized my beak...Shez feelz bad, but it no hurt - believze me, she tried to see if it hurtz me - but it doesn't. Andz I breathing fine.. Mom ladyz sayz if the swelling doez not go downz, she taking me to see the vet - NO! Iz get the swelling downz mom ladyz, - Iz promise!

Needlezz to sayz, crate waz returned and Mom lady wentz back to the size that works best for mez


BC Insanity said...

Oh Jakeee iz your momzee trying to shrink you???


Anonymous said...

Oooo! He he, well, my crate is a bit small for me too our Mum likes to shove us into little crates, but they are cozy!

You sure are handsome!

myspoileddogs said...

AHh poor Jake. Sorry to hear that crate wouldn't be big enough for you!!

Cori said...

I just came across your blog. I wanted to let you know your dogs are adorable and obviously very loved.

R3K9S said...

shrink Jake??? LOL

Thanks Tatumtot - he thinks he is handsome too - ;)

Nope did not fit MSD :(

Cori - Thank you so much! Your comment totally made my day...