Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A gift from the Kitties

We help to care for two outdoor cats; Jinga and kitten. Kitten started showing up in November 08. He/She looks just like Dharma - so we let it come and go with Jinga. I want to capture it so I can take it to get fixed; but I think it's the cat breeders down the street. Not that they take care of it or anything....

Anyway, they brought us a gift yesterday. Billy found the gift on the steps leading to the house from the garage. He thanked the cats and then cleaned up the mess.
Here was what was left of the gifts when I got home

And here are the gift givers;

Next time, a mouse would be sufficent to show us your gratitude...

RIP birdie. Sorry


myspoileddogs said...

Ahh, AKA I have a trap if you ever want to use it. I have a rule at my house - if it comes on my property - it gets fixed. If the cat "belonged" to them they would keep it on their property!!

I could probably help you with the cost of the surgery too!

R3K9S said...

cool! Maybe after this weekend I will work on trapping the kitten. He/She is pretty skiddish...