Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Off to the Windy City

Well, off to the Windy City I go today. It will be a short trip. My Aunt did not want a wake or a formal funeral. So, we will meet at the cemetary - have a few prayers said - and she will be laid to rest with her husband.

It is so COLD in Chicago! WTH - Blowing snow??!!! More like blowing Ice! And when they say high 20's - bull crap...More like-0 degrees with the wind chill. Oh and lovely..... SNOW . At least I am not flying into St Louis where there will be freezing ICE! Still can't believe I lived in the mid west for over 28 years with weather like that. Guess once you get use to it - well you get use to it. I have been spoiled with the weather here in Utah. I remember first moving out here and people saying how cold it was. I would lol. You haven't experienced cold until you have done a winter or two in the Mid-west.

Oh well....I told my Dad an Italian beef sandwich should be awaiting for me in his car when he picks me up at the Airport - extra juice and extra peppers pretty please.
Best thing about Chicago - their food.....That is for sure..


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry about your aunt.. I'd say have fun but, well, it doesn't sound like fun. :( And I know how Cold Chicago can be, it's awful! I was born there and have visited in the cold. BRRRrrr

myspoileddogs said...

Best of luck to you. Hope things go well!