Saturday, March 29, 2014

Day 24

Day 24 March 28t

I am writing this at  1:01 am on the 29th.

Jake was still off today.  I took him in to read PCV.  It is 28.  That is a HUGE drop.  Scares the hell out of me.  His gums are pink, and he is breathing fine.

As a side issue, he also has a really bad infection in his "unit".  He is on some new meds and I need to flush it daily *rme*

I am seeing two different vets in the same office.  I wish I could just narrow to one.  I wish the two would chat and say hey... I seem to have some high expectations...

After the news from the vet, we went to the Sandy DP and the adjacent gully.  The labs grew up there, we spent an enormous amount of time at the park and in the gully. Heck, Zoe tore her CCL down there too!

I walked him down there slowly. I situated a blank for us on the path. AHHHHH sun shine and and overwhelming smell.  Green grass for a certain dog to chew on too!

Yes, i do like to take Jake and Mom selfies...

Thank you great DOG for another day. May we have another please? 

He doesn't want to be in the room tonight.  I forced him in here after letting him stay out.  I need him close.