Friday, April 9, 2010

Java Crew Day 2 & 3

Java and Crew Day 2

Crew day 3

Day 3
Well, here we are at day 4. I am getting a little out of hand with the photos. But I can't help it. Sitting in garage and watching her amazes me. When one is out of the fold or on the opposite side of her nipples, they wiggle their way back; sometimes climbing over her back to get to the right side..

The orange ones are always squeaking - and I find it irresistible! They are little piggies - always looking for her nipple.

She doesn't run when I am out there. Unfortunately, she bolts whenever Billy comes out. i know it hurts him and he is trying to gain her trust. But, Java isn't there with him yet.
I have yet to touch the crew. Billy has handled the kittens. I try and tell him not to - but well, he is going to do what he is going to do. He is ultimately a cat person and is like a little kid in the candy store with the kittens. This is the man who saves baby birds and builds them boxes in trees and feeds them worms.

We are both a little obsessed with the little ones, and i think probably being too watchful. Java isn't eating her kibble so we are loading her up on wet food. Grammy and Grampy gave us some wet food their cats won't eat. So now we are just trying to find out a flavor she likes so I don't over buy on one she won't eat.

I put a clean blanket out in the garage, hoping she moves them but she hasn't yet. Good news is that she is using the litter box. I also put a box and a dog crate just in case she wants to move them.

So, that is the short version of what is going on.

More photos to come as they start to grow.


BC Insanity said...

Oh oh, watch out. Remember that's how we went from 2 to 5.

R3K9S said...

I know right??!!
Last night, as I was falling to sleep, he says - "I wanna keep two; one black and one orange". I gave him the look. But then I thought - sure you can keep two if I can get myself a BS ;-) Might have to work this to my advantage - lol

BC Insanity said...

NOW you're playing the right card!!!! Smart girlie