Saturday, October 4, 2008

Jake's Vet Visit

I tool Jake in to get a chiropractic adjustment at our holistic vet yesterday. We also discussed his Rimadyl party.

She does a thermo scan on the dogs prior to the adjustment. His hot spots were very different than his normal hot spots. His sacrum and pelvis were out of line too.

She asked me if I was doing something different. And I have. We have been playing Frisbee instead of ball and he jumps too much because I sometimes throw it too high. She suggested no more Frisbee b/c of the way his body changes - well I can play frisbee just all throws must be low to the ground. I guess I can do that - but I am an awful thrower. So, maybe we neeed to find a new toy - back to the tug for play. I have a resentment with tugs - probably b/c I can't get Jake to love it enough to drop the ball for the tug during flyball. Like it's the tugs fault! LOL

We decided to do a UA with a microalbumin test on Jake. This is for the Rimadyl party. But the UA is a much more comprehesive test than my regular vet gives - it covers a lot things. We decided to do the UA and microalbumin b/c she said kidney issues show up in urine way before it would in a blood test. It takes 75% failure of the organ before it will show up in a blood test. So, we will know the results Sunday. If there are issues, we will start him on some herbs right a way. I am going to have them run a test on Zoe too as soon as I can get some urine back up there and she is back in town.

She also wants Jake to gain weight - more carbs and fats - especially during his working season. So, I have to start giving him a cup of oatmeal in the morning.UGG I HAVE TO COOK! And giving him regular innova mixed in with his Evo. Give it a good month or so and see if he put on a few pounds.

All in a paycheck I say - lol
So, pins and needles, pins and needles this weekend. Paws crossed he gets a clean bill of health.

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