Thursday, October 23, 2008

I will not discuss this weekend

I will not discuss this weekend.

Why ? Because last time I blogged about it all week and we were almost unable to go...So I am NOT going to jink myself or Jake by writing about how excited I am about where we are going and what we are doing.

I will not...I won't....I will not...As much as I want to, as much as it is killing me, I won't........


But i will share a little brag with you....Go to the below link and look under recent events;
Make sure you read it all the way ;)


myspoileddogs said...

You will have sooo much fun this weekend!!

Ohh and man Jake is fast at CAL. I'm amazed Dylan with his slow ass time was still number 6~

R3K9S said...

I was hoping you saw Dylan's name ;)

And he is NOT slow!!!!!!!!!!

G said...

I'm such a dork, posted my comment on the wrong blog - hah!
Here's to you Jake;

CONGRATULATIONS JAKE....still the fastest..........

now if could somehow attach that lure on a string to Ann's butt, would he run as fast in flyball on the way back?


R3K9S said...

Jake says thanks!

And wouldn't that be a site - roflol
Maybe I need to get a fox tail from Cyndi.....nahh...he still wouldn't drop the ball for it....

G said...

Maybe we should rig up the lure through the middle of the jumps and run back and when Jake gets to the box, we start the lure on its way back..... can you imagine how fast he'd run ?????

Maybe then we could call it
Flyball 'A Lure it could become a new sport - he he he

myspoileddogs said...

Did you make it back? How did Jake do?