Thursday, September 25, 2008

Animal Communicators

Ever wonder what your dogs are thinking or feeling? I do all the time.

Many people I know have contacted Animal Communicators. There are two people the majority recommend;Danika Nadzan and Marta Williams. I have read reply's for and against their readings

I would love to do this for entertainment; but it is on my list of wants, not needs. As is a DNA test for Jake and Zoe. I would probably do the DNA test first, and then the reading, when money isn't a consideration - lol.

There is a woman on PBF who started to explore this so called Science. She was offering to read our dogs. I asked for Jake, Zoe, Maddie, and our cat Tom to be read. I gave a photo, sex, age and questions. She hasn't done the dogs or cats yet, and I am patiently awaiting a reply. I asked basic questions, mostly about if they are happy - what else can I do to increase their joy. I asked about Jake and his relationship with Maddie. I asked about Zoe's previous life before she was turned into the HS (how could anyone turn that sweet little girl in!) I also added a question or two last week, concerning their health after the rimadyl party at my house. I am anxiously waiting a reply.

Ahhh patience.....

1 comment:

myspoileddogs said...

I won a session with Marta Williams and I haven't done it yet. Maybe I need to call her and do it finally!