Friday, March 6, 2009


So we are trying to figure out a solution to Sneek's newest antics.

I ordered another top for Sneek's x-pen. We thought we would put it on the bottom and clamp it like we do the top.

In the mean time, I went and purchased additional baby gates for the house. We are putting one on top of the other in the front room entrance way. This way she can't jump the baby gate.

Yesterday, we tried surrounding the xpen with chairs and tables thinking the she would not be able to move the pen due to the weight surrounding it. That did not work. Dont' know why we thought it would.


myspoileddogs said...

what a little sneak that girl is. Just be glad she is contained in the house. Imagine if she had been adopted by someone who left her unattended outdoors while they were gone during the day? She'd be long gone for sure!!

R3K9S said...

Hmmm. That is an idea - LOL j/k

BC Insanity said...

My friend here at work had three baby gates stacked once in the doorways when she was fostering cats and had to keep them and the dogs all separated. Should have seen her trying to get through, usually just the middle gate...hysterical


R3K9S said...

maybe I will have to video tape my entrance and exit into the room. Give you all a chuckle or two ;)

Zoey said...

are you going to be able to get over the gates?